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Wet grass


Rounds 1&2 (January-Early April) – Pre and post emergent weed control as soil temperatures start to warm up into spring. Depending on the type of grass that you have (Bermuda, St. Augustine, or Zoysia) you may also receive early slow-release fertilizer to encourage early green-up, as well as fungicide to battle turf diseases common to the North Texas area during this time of year, such as Take-All-Root-Rot and Gray Leaf Spot.


Round 3 (April-May) – Fertilizer! As soil temperatures hit 70 degrees and continue to climb, it's time for your grass to start greening up! We help that along by giving it a boost of the nutrients that it needs to be green, thick, and healthy throughout the season. Depending on your grass type, you may also receive another round of fungicide to continue the fight against those pesky diseases. Post emergent spot-treatment as needed.


Round 4 (May-June) - Grub/insect control and slow-release fertilizer. Grubs can be very harmful to your lawn and its root system. We treat ahead of the egg hatching period using an insecticide specially formulated to effectively target and control grub infestations. This insecticide also acts as a deterrent to other common lawn pests. This treatment also includes slow-release fertilizer to ensure strong growth during these peak growth months. Post emergent spot-treatment as needed.


R0und 5 (June-July) - More slow-release fertilizer to continue healthy growth and a nice shad of green! Post emergent spot-treatment as needed.


Round 6 (July-September) – Another round of grub/insect control. This late-summer treatment fortifies the round 4 grub treatment from the late spring/early summer. It also is an effective deterrent against common lawn pests such as chinch bugs that do their damage in this hottest part of the summer. Post emergent spot-treatment as needed.


Round 7 (September-October) – Pre emergent weed control to prevent winter weeds. Depending on grass type, you may also receive post emergent weed treatment and fungicide to protect against late season diseases such as brown patch.


Round 8 (October-December) – Pre emergent and post emergent weed control, and for St. Augustine grass, an application of elemental sulfur to make essential nutrients more available to your grass and to help prevent Take-All-Root-Rot, which rears its ugly head in the spring.​


*Treatments are for lawn only. Flower beds, rock beds, tree rings, trees, shrubs, etc. are not included.*



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